By Ruben Feldman Gonzalez

Unitary Perception is defined as “Being aware of everything perceptible, at the same time, right now, without naming that which is perceived, without comparing and without effort”.
In this definition of Unitary Perception we have, at least four elements:
1) Being aware implies the FACT of being conscious of something.
Even the contents of the unconscious go through consciousness.
But only in Unitary Perception we become conscious of the contents of the unconscious, because it provides the necessary peace without duality and without choice. That is the peace which allows us to perceive things in the mind such as they are, without the intention to change them.
2) Everything perceptible means we are not aware of something (only), but of everything that crosses our field of perception. For example: we not only hear the bird chirps, if we walk through a forest, but all the sounds that reach our hearing (from the brain itself).
3) At the same time implies that if we want the brain to operate as a unit, expressing its maximum potential, it is necessary to perceive everything perceptible at the same time.
No effort is needed. It is a way of life.
Gravity (weight), sound and the visual field can be perceived at the same time, in quietude and peace.
4) Right Now implies the only time in which Unitary Perception is possible.
The deep peace generated immediately by Unitary Perception, is the necessary psychological mutation.
Then we have a way of living, seeing and listening which we don’t know.
The words with which we interpret the FACT of seeing and listening at the same time STOP the listening and seeing in this new way: at the same time.
In Unitary Perception we don’t “unify”, but simply become aware that “everything is united”.
Unitary Perception is not just living in the present.

The present can be lived in three different Mind Precincts: C, B and A.-
I have said many times that Unitary Perception is the most important fact in human psychology.
This may sound “abolutistic”, but I only try to inform about something I have lived in my own experience, and not something I read.
I say metaphorically, in spite of my desire not to use metaphors, in order not to create confusion about such an important matter, that there are three psychological precincts, but we know only one.
Precinct C:
This is all we know, it is our psychological prison; “Precinct C”.-
In that small psychological circle there is room for language, symbol, number, memory, imagination, fantasy, thought, belief, ideologies, science, metaphysics, western and eastern philosophies,etc.
Precinct C is the known, that is to say, pure thought.
Eastern thought is only thought and with thought we can’t go beyond it.
But beyond thought and word, beyond the “SELF”, in our own mind, is Unitary Perception.
Within Precinct C, the known, we have all the products of thought: temples, organizations so called “religious”, hierarchies, free or well paid rites, music, etc.-
It can be very touching to understand that 99 % of all human beings are born and later live, reproduce, get educated, work and die in the Precinct C of the mind: only memory, thought, imagination and “SELF”.
An imaginary life.
The language of Precinct C:
The egocentric, hypnotic and temporal (time-bound) languages utilized in everyday life, as we know it in Precinct C, start to disappear spontaneously when one lives in the Precinct B (Unitary Perception).
Thanks to Unitary Perception one realizes the irrelevance of time, the generalized hypnosis in which we live, and the growing egocentricity of mankind.
Those three languages are used in hypnotic and psychotherapeutic techniques, all a product of thought and its fragmentary perception..
The overvaluation of thought, which makes us believe that there is nothing outside the Precinct C (outside the known) has brought human degeneration, part of which is seen in the growing division among human beings,as rich and poor, nations, beliefs, organized religions, ideologies and diverse philosophies.
Precinct B
But there is another psychological precinct, which is called the “Precinct B”, the good space of the mind.
Its laws and its functioning are not the ones of Precinct C.
The Observer ( you and I ) may think and talk about Precinct B, but that is not the way to enter into it.
To think and to talk about Precinct B continues to be Precinct C.-
Precinct B is Unitary Perception, which I define as perceiving everything perceptible at the same time, with the mind in complete silence.
If thought and unspoken language continue (in spite of trying to stop them for a moment) then thought and unspoken language have to be perceived as if they were another sound.
In Unitary Perception one does not listen to “something”. All the sound is perceived at the same time, in mental silence, without naming the sounds.
All my Written Work deals with this matter, which I consider to be the most important one for mankind: Unitary Perception.
Precinct A
If one lives in Precinct B, which encompasses C, not as a momentary technique, but as a constant way of life, then it may occur as a contingency ( and not as a consequence ) Precinct A, or THAT –the sacred-the undecribable and undefinable. “THAT” is the celestial vault of psychology.
Precinct A is the cosmic consciousness, the universal mind, which is perceived psychologically as harmony, order, the joy of life, being content for no reason, great energy, concretely felt in the whole body, and love for all living creatures.
I have lived in that space of the sacred, an ineffable blessing.
When I told Jiddu Krishnamurti, in 1979 that THAT has come to me, he said he knew it. Later he asked me: “Speak and expect no-thing.”
Enlightenment is essentially being aware that all human beings are one.
Enlightenment can’t be achieved by “the self” and it doesn’t make one infallible or perfect without defect. A true enlightened person doesn’t pretend to be free of the weaknesses inherent to the human condition. Enlightenment doesn’t provide any authority, above friendship.
I say all this, because there IS such a thing as enlightenment, and because there is a contemptuous attitute towards this word, that has to end.
Unitary Perception is not a product of thought.
Unitary Perception is by definition, “To perceive everything perceptible at the same time, without expectation, which is thought, without effort, and without haste, which is also thought, but to perceive everything perceptible, like energy, is not a product of thought.
Listening to sound is not a product of thought, listening is not thought.
Not listening to something, but just listening. It’s not a product of thought. And seeing the totality of the visual field, you know, colour, movement… is not a product of thought; and what matters is not what we see but rather the seeing itself, which is not a product of thought.
And we’re not listening to something, see? We are listening to the totality of sound at the same time, it’s not a product of thought. And the weight?… To feel the weight of the body, on the chair, under the feet, at the level of the shoulders, see, AT THE SAME TIME.
A product of thought is when you say, “that’s a glass” or “I’m going to listen to the traffic”, or “I weigh 180 pounds ,” that’s a product of thought. But if you simply listen, with no content of word… and if you say car, that’s a product of thought. To listen to the sound of traffic, within the brain, which is where it is heard, then that is not a product of thought.
And then, because of that, you enter a different precinct of brain functioning, which I call B, B functioning of the brain or Unitary Perception, with its own laws.
It is never repeated, it is never boring because of that, it is always fresh, it is peaceful, it gives you freedom, it gives you energy. It is not a product of thought, it is not cyclical, it is not repetitive, not dual, you know… “I like it, I don’t like it” no, because the observer is not intervening in observation. It’s sheer observation with no imagination.
And then, “the car went by… ” that’s thought, but… if you just listened to the noise of whatever happened there, the noise, the pristine noise, in the brain, that is not a product of thought. It has its own laws, independent of the laws of thought, which are, again you know… cyclical, thought is cyclical, same as memory, same as sleep, same as hunger, same as thirst, same as sex some people say.
Thought is cyclical, repetitive, conflictual, unconscious 99 %, incoherent, ruled by duality, contradiction and paradox, etc.
So this, Unitary Perception, is not cyclical. You say bird, but that is not a cyclical thing, you listen to the bird right here, because you’re completely here listening, ah… that’s not a product of thought! And it can be done as the foundation of action of whatever you do: taking a shower, going to work, driving, work… whatever you do, going to sleep, staying in bed, feeling the weight of the body; listening, even with closed eyes… seeing the totality of the visual field, even with closed eyes.
And all this seems so silly. Nevertheless, it is the most important thing of life because it opens the narrow gate of the totality of brain functioning!
You don’t need a formula to sleep, see, you don’t need a formula to eat, or to breathe, because those are functions of the brain. And you do not need a formula for Unitary Perception, because it is a function of the brain, simply.
The definition of the fact “Unitary Perception” is a description of the fact, it is not a formula of thought.
And Unitary Perception can be described from many points of view, which is what I do all along my written work.
In pure observation time is irrelevant and space is one.  In the pure observation of Unitary Perception there is no comparison and the only thing that can be is what is. It doesn’t mean to accept being a slave of Corporations, Banks or the Police State.
But there is a complex biological device which accumulates and transforms energy (so called “the brain”) which invents (by thinking) an imaginary separation between the observer and the observed.
I call that separation “Horizontal conflict” because it is the foundation of all conflict and the source of every distortion in observation.
Pure observation in Unitary Perception is contact with “energies” that reach the organism or that emerge from it (in irrelevant time). When we talk about “many energies” we are compromising on a divisive perception born from thought.
This fragmentary perception may be functional and useful to understand, predict and operate upon the environment, but in fact there is only one energy.
Thought distorts observation, inventing the horizontal conflict and absolute time. The horizontal conflict is the belief that the observer is separate from everything observed “within” (for example: “sadness”) and from everything observed “outside” (for example: “the moon”)
When there is contact with energy (gravity, light, heat, sound) at the same time, in the pure observation of Unitary Perception, language gets dissolved (“within/outside,” “East/West,” “North/South,” etc.).  The concept of absolute time also dissolves in Unitary Perception.
That’s why I say that in the pure observation of Unitary Perception, space is one and time is irrelevant, there is no comparison and paradox is understood beyond thought, at a much deeper level.
It is known since 1924 that the electron behaves as a particle and as a wave at the same time (irrelevant time). This is a scientific paradox, discovered by Louis De Broglie.   Some pioneers in Physics and Psychology have re-interpreted the functions of the human nervous system:
a)         as ways to make contact with particles, or
b)         as ways to make contact with energetic waves.
So, at this very moment, there are two possible ways to make contact with reality (other people, this introduction, etc.)
One of these ways is fragmentary perception and the other is what I call Unitary Perception.
1- Fragmentary perception establishes contact with particles, masses, forms, “identities” “egos,” the emotions of fear, anger and sorrow (without recognizing that they are different aspects of the same thing), beliefs, ideologies, absolute time, divided space, comparisons and paradoxes. This type of perception, which is necessary thought to operate, predict and plan is functional for 30' a day, intermittently. During the rest of the time this is a useless type of perception which facilitates distortion and conflict in human relationships.  Intelligence has to intervene in order to give place to Unitary Perception, once the fragmentary perception of thought has accomplished its function.
2-  Unitary Perception is contact with reality as energy.  In Unitary Perception language and thought are irrelevant (no matter how useful they may be).  When there is language and thought there is no Unitary Perception.  When there is Unitary Perception there may or may not be functional language and thought.

All we know is memory, language and thought.  All we know is the known.  In Unitary Perception we have access to the unknown right now.  So this partly means that I can see you as something I know already (and so I’ll pay little attention to you) or as something I don’t know at all (which means I have to look at you and listen to you 100% with all my passion and interest).
David Bohm created the concept of “Holokinesis” after interpreting the Universe as a gigantic multidimensional Hologram. 
It’s necessary to know the foundations of the Hologram and Holokinesis.
In space, which has no limits, all energy is constantly becoming mass and vice-versa, right now, at the same time.  Psychologically, mass is interpreted as “separate entities,” in fragmentary perception, which is a fundamental distortion and the source of horizontal conflict.
Horizontal conflict is the foundation of anger, sorrow and fear.  Only in Unitary Perception it is possible to understand the totality of the process, which is, at the same time universal and psychological.
Nothing has a separate existence, since everything is mass and energy.  Mass becomes energy (and vice-versa) right now, at the same time, constantly all over the Universe.
Human mind and body are the interphase of a continuum of matter-energy.  Mind, body, energy and matter constitute a unity in the explicit order of holokinesis, according to David Bohm.
This understanding opens inconceivable possibilities for Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Education and the rest of all human activities.
If we see the Universe in Unitary Perception time becomes irrelevant.  The future is now.  The past is right now.  The future is a projection of the past in a perception that we have to call “fragmentary.” In Unitary Perception there is only the now. 
In Unitary Perception all the sound is perceived at the same time, all visible light in the totality of the visual field and gravity, as weight under our feet, are perceived at the same time in the now.  In Unitary Perception, weight, light and sound are perceived at the same time, right now, without language.
Are you doing it?  Please see what happens by yourself. This is not a clever idea, that you can think about later, this is a fact, now.  Do it!
In this dimension of vibrant mental silence, it is possible to establish a much deeper contact between human beings.  This is a type of contact that goes beyond the mutual formation and projection of images.
“I am a Catholic and you are a Muslim.”..“I'm Canadian and you are Mexican.”..  “We are this and they are that.”..  This type of perception (fragmentary) makes of every human beings a potential enemy of himself and others.
The way we “structure” reality is based upon fragmentary perceptions of it.  If time is irrelevant, the mere idea of “past causes” ceases.  David Bohm has said: “the only thing that can be is what is.”
So probably we should talk a little about the hologram. Yes, I think we should, because in Holokinetic Psychology we speak about the implicit and explicit orders, and if we study the hologram we’re going to understand it better.
The hologram it’s just a photographic negative.
We normally take the pictures with lens. There is light. There is correspondence between the points of the object that we photograph and the points of its image in the photographic negative.
Lets say we take a picture of a man and, the lens reverses the image of the object. And there’s a correspondence…– correspondence between points – the head (object) corresponds to the head (negative) you know, arms with arms, etc. Point by point.
But in the holographic negative, which is not taking a picture but rather taking a statue of light of the object, then we have no lens, then we have laser instead of light, laser and there is no correspondence, between points. Meaning, every point of the person holographed is in every part of the hologram (the holographic negative).
That means what?
That means if we cut the photographic negative in halfwe’re going to have only the legs on top, or the head below. But if we cut the holographic negative in two and we place the hologram in front of the laser, we are still going to have the complete statue of light of the person. Meaning, nothing is lost.
Holograph or Hologram; meaning a complete graphic register of the object.
And… very important that here, in the holographic negative we do not have the image of the object, we have swirls and streaks of light interference. And at the photographic negative, we have the explicit object image, the explicit image of the object.
But on the holographic negative we don’t. The image of the object is implicit. We don’t have the image of the object here. We don’t have the image of the object in the holographic negative, in the hologram. It is implicit here. So if we place it under a laser we’re going to have a statue of light. Meaning, the object is here, but it is implicit, it’s not explicit.
So here you have the reason for using the words “explicit” and “implicit” –
Now, David Bohm told me that he was in Berkeley doing this in 1938 or so: And he saw that the electron, in the bubble chamber, the electron, got lost and it reappeared in the very same place. And he talked to Einstein and he said, “I’m seeing that the electron gets lost, I mean in its own space and it reappears in the very same spot”. And Einstein said, “We know that”. And Bohm goes, “Where do I read about it?”. Einstein says, “Who is going to write about it?” So Bohm takes the task of studying this subject and he gets the nomination for a Nobel Prize because of this. But many years went by before he could explain what happened to the electron. The hologram had to come up at the University of Michigan, 1953 I think, Keith and Upatniks created the hologram based upon Leibnitz and Gabor. Gabor was a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971 – born in Hungary. And he said (in 1940), “If I had a very intense source of light, I may have a picture of an object in the form of a statue of light.” He said that during the Second World War, in 1940.
So Gabor knew how, but he didn’t have the money to create the hologram, something that happened in Michigan, in the University of Michigan, (in 1963?).
When Bohm sees the hologram, he says, “Ah, now I know what happened to the electron. The electron went to its own implicit order. ”Because everything in the Universe has an implicit and an explicit order. Meaning, Ruben has an implicit order that is not seen. It can only be inferred. And, Ruben has an explicit order, which is the one that we see; or the bottle, or whatever. Everything in the Universe has two orders, implicit and explicit and the movement between them that Bohm called Holokinesis, the movement between here and here, between the implicit order let’s say, of Ruben and the explicit order of Ruben. And both orders are in the same space. So the electron disappeared in its implicit order, and reappeared in the same space, in its explicit order.
And this is happening, Bohm said, not only in the plane of the hologram, its happening all over the Universe, in three-dimensional space.
And the two orders are everywhere in the Universe, matter-energy; all over the Universe. All that movement, Holokinesis, is the highest energy- because … there’s only one energy in Holokinesis. And when that energy is expressed or it’s made explicit, it becomes gravity, electromagnetic energy, nuclear energy, weight energy (gravity), etc, etc.
So he comes up with the mathematical understanding of this… 1986. And I was luckily in touch with him since ’78, in dialogue with Krishnamurti since 1975 and with Bohm since 1978 and I said, “How can we put this into psychology because we have to.” And he said, “Of course”. And since then we started to discuss this with Krishnamurti and him, to polish the language to put all this into psychology.
Now… the implicit order of the mind is not the unconscious. See, the implicit order of the mind, which is the interface between energy and matter, is not the unconscious. The unconscious is C, everything that we know, everything that we memorise, is unconscious; 99% of memory is unconscious and incoherent, but that is not the implicit order of the mind. The implicit order of the mind is something else…
And… B or Unitary Perception is the only way that we can consciously make contact with Holokinesis.
That’s why after two or three months of constantly attempting Unitary Perception you get full of energy and I hear it from anybody who takes this seriously. And Krishnamurti says what will happen to anyone who takes this seriously in the video 18 of his dialogue with Anderson. He says you’re going to see auras, you’re going to heal, you’re going to… lot’s of things that will happen for good and for bad, but they will happen if you take it seriously. Because why?
Because you’re in touch with Holokinesis. That creates a tremendous regeneration at all of the levels (aspects) of reality that are measured with the meter.
There’s a transformation coming from Holokinesis that regenerates the quantum aspect of the mind, which is measured with the meter with 10 _17 potency, 10 elevated to –17 potency meaning 17 zero’s 1cm, (.000000000000000001cm). And that is the space of quantum.

And at that level the events are very refined, that’s what they call the depths of the mind, see. This book, “The great Leap of Mind”, in Spanish is called “Lo Profundo de la Mente ” -the depths of the mind, which is this that I’m talking about.

See… Unitary Perception is consciousness of Holokinesis, which is, let’s say, below the quantum.
Then you should find events occur there, that measured with the meter… makes it almost unmeasurable. But, on top of the quantum, still measuring with the meter, we have energy, like light is measured in angstroms you know, lightwaves are measured between 4,000 and 8,000 angstroms. One millionth of a millimeter right?
And then you have the ultra violet rays and you know, infra-red, etc, at the level of light energy, and that is the aspect of the mind that is… energy, also measured with the meter, and that aspect is also regenerated by Unitary Perception, because Unitary Perception comes from the very depths of the mind, below the quantum, at the Holokinetic level, the immeasurable yet.
So, the first to be regenerated is the quantum level (or aspect), the second one is the energetic aspect; that’s why you feel so much energy if you take this seriously, tremendous amount of energy. And… physically felt, not theoretical or esoteric, I am talking about perceptible physical energy. And… also the molecular aspect of the mind is regenerated.
After 31 years that I’m talking about Unitary Perception, I didn’t know about “spontaneous healings” before last May 2007.
I learned about these healings one month ago in Buenos Aires. People that are getting healed from eye cataracts, or panic or things like that, arthritis, fear of flying, asthma, aplastic anemia, allergies etc.
And… so, they told me of a regeneration at the molecular level, which measured by the meter, is grosser than the energetic and quantum aspects.
And then, you have the psychosocial aspect of the mind which is, Iraq and you know, Dublin and this dialogue, all this is the psychosocial “aspect”, of the mind.
And so, even THIS is regenerated, because if we can establish contact between us, among us, as we can, in Unitary Perception, what will happen is that we’re going to have communion of the psychosocial type based upon the depths… communion that is molecular, that is energetic, it is quantum and it is Holokinetic; first, and psychosocial later. Meaning, that psychosocial communion or big friendship or brotherhood or brotherly exploration as it should be, of this matter, happens, after the contact with Holokinesis is made consciously in Unitary Perception.
And, if we establish that kind of communion, more than electromagnetic,- it is deeper than electromagnetic, it is Holokinetic, then we have a tremendous relationship that we can only imagine if we don’t have it. But it can be had, because it has happened many times in my life, with groups of people that took this very, very seriously. And then what happens is something that Bohm described too, the so-called Group Mind, among many things that may happen. Meaning superposition of individual memories in one or more brains.
This is the energy of the now. And where does it come from? See…theoretically the way I understand this is this: the posterior brain must be around 300 million years old - the posterior brain, so called also reptile brain. But the anterior brain, or frontal brain or neo-cortex - the new cortex... Must only be about 70 million years. 
This appeared to the rodents that lived at the end of the dinosaur time, like 70 million years ago more or less. And the old cortex is 300 million. Now what is the connection between the two? The connection between the two is there but we are not familiar with the connection because one brain is too old and the other (anterior) is too young. So meaning, this brain, which is the one of awareness, doesn’t know what the posterior brain is doing. What is the posterior brain doing? Receiving energy… gravity, light – light goes to area 17 you know, at the occipital brain…
Gravity, where does it go? Cerebellum and the posterior part of the brain.
Light where does it go? To the end posterior part. Where does sound go? To the posterior part of the temporal lobe. So, meaning, the whole posterior brain is receiving energy. How come we don’t know? Because we have to teach, rather re-teach, the anterior part of the brain to be aware that the posterior brain receives energy in order for the anterior brain to become conscious of that. Otherwise you are not conscious. Of course we are receiving energy constantly, gravity, sound, light, but we’re not conscious of that fact.
Now what happens if we are conscious? The whole brain starts to work. The whole cortex. What does it mean in terms of survival, human potential, etc.?
It means the whole difference, the whole difference, because we have much more chance of survival, much… because our contact with reality is much more complete and much more pristine, more intense. The potential of man will grow, of course. The many potential abilities of man will grow and so we need to do that, we need to be conscious of what the posterior brain is doing.
And what do you call that?… Unitary Perception. Complete Incarnation.
And Unitary Perception, what does it mean? It means, the anterior brain begins to be aware that the posterior brain is receiving energy.
A new aspect of the mind is discovered:
Since 1970 a new revolution in science and technology started, which was originated in the discovery of the hologram.  Really, its roots are found in the integral and differential calculus of Gottfried Von Leibniz (1680)who coined the concept of “Monad” (the unit that hides in itself the information of the whole Universe).  Three hundred years later, towards 1986, Prof. David Bohm, who had collaborated with Albert Einstein at Princeton University USA defines his concept of Holokinesis.
Karl Pribram had already proposed his holographic paradigm of human memory.  I was in touch with both since 1978.  Those contacts, and the one I had with the educator Jiddu Krishnamurti, during the last eleven years of his life, facilitated the confirmation, in my own experience, in 1986, that there is in fact an aspect of the human mind that had never been studied in Psychology.
Mind had only been conceived as the property emerging in living organisms, as a result of the interaction between organism and the environment. This is the aspect of the mind as memory, thought, word, image, emotion, as well as the vegetative visceral and sexual activities.  This is the aspect I call  “M.E.T.A.-Process” ( Mnemonic, Eidetic, Thymic and Autonomic process).
This process is always moving in absolute time, from here to there, from now to then (past or future).
In June 1986 I confirmed in myself that there is an aspect of the mind which is the expression of universal energy, beyond memory.  This is the aspect of the mind that I call Unitary Perception, something which is not a process which occurs in time.  In Unitary Perception time is irrelevant.  Unitary Perception can only happen in the immediate present, right now. Unitary Perception  may encompass the M.E.T.A.-process, but the reverse is not true.
There is a scientific revolution which has given place to Holokinetic Psychology, that has no precedent in the history of man, mankind. No precedent. Because this brought Bohm to interpret reality, life, or the universe in a way that has no precedent.
He said that the Universe is full of matter and energy and an interface which is mind. Meaning, sodium is universal, matter is universal. Sodium is in the sun, it’s in our blood, in the last star, and light is in, of course, the retina of the eye, same as electricity, it’s all over the universe. Energy is universal too. And MIND, which is the interface between matter and energy is also universal.
And I tell David Bohm: “Would you give me an example”, and he said, “Have you heard about the orchid and the wasp?” I said, “No.” And he says, “There’s an orchid that has a petal with stripes, you know? Black-yellow, black-yellow, black-yellow.
The orchid and the wasp. The orchid has a petal that is a replica of the abdomen of the wasp.
Yes… it’s striped in two colors, yellow-black, yellow-black, and… the wasp gets deceived by the orchid, and has sex, you perhaps know, with the petal, and in that way the orchid reproduces itself by the pollen that the wasp brings on its legs.
Now Bohm says, “Is that the mind of the wasp or is that the mind of the orchid?” because the orchid is deceiving the wasp, but the wasp is participating with his own mind. So whose mind is that?
Of course, that mind doesn’t belong to the orchid or to the wasp.
That is just an expression, Bohm said, of Universal Mind, which is the mind that is an interface between matter and energy. And it is all over the universe. And so he says, “the electron has mind” he said, “the electron communicates with other electrons.” And I go, “Well… ” I go, “that sounds like fantasy”.
He goes, “No sir, Have you read the experiment of Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen?” and I said, “No.”
Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen.( E.P.R.).
You can read it in any book on physics. It’s worth it. Bohm said, “Ok” and he went to a shelf - I was at his home in London- he went to a shelf and said, “Read it tonight”. And that night I read it and I see: “Experiment of Bohm, Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen” and I see the word Bohm… crossed out.
Bohm crossed his own name out, before the written report went to the press.
And I read the experiment. The experiment is that if one electron is touched by a force, the spin of that same electron changes its rotation or spin.
But the spin, the rotation of all the electrons that are contiguous or remote, also change, change immediately- simultaneously, something that can only be registered by instruments. The eye cannot follow it, it’s too fast.
And that is (simplified) the experiment itself, the E.P.R.
And then I said back to him, “Well what you’re saying is that if one electron gets a force, that electron changes spin, it’s more or less like the Group Mind of the monkeys. All the electrons contiguous and remote are going to change in spin.”
So he says, “The electron is communicating, isn’t it, or isn’t it?” I said, “Well it looks like that”.
And then I say… “What happened to your name?!” “What happened to your name that it’s all crossed out?!”
“Ah” he said, “you know, I designed the experiment.”
This experiment was made by Bohm! But, he put the names, out of politeness, he put the names of his collaborators, Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen. Just to be polite! But when the press asked for the information, he gives the press the experiment with his name crossed out! And he says “Oh, Einstein asked me about that.” Einstein said, “Bohm, why did you cross your name out?” And Bohm said, “There were too many names there.”
That gives you an idea of who Bohm was. Tremendous, tremendous fellow !
I am happy I could be his friend.
This is the experiment of Bohm, it should be called “The Experiment of Bohm” but it is known as E.P.R.
So we have to wonder how Universal Mind manifests itself in us.
It’s a tremendous subject and it’s part of the scientific revolution which has no precedent and it’s very much related to time.
Like for example, Bohm used to say, “Now time has three concepts that interact with each other and these three concepts, complement time tremendously.”
Absolute time: Dublin, 11:55 noontime.
Relative time: 3:55 a.m. in Mexico City. Two hours more than Mexicali time, which is my time in the watch.
Now what is irrelevant time?
That’s the time of Bohm, the time that came when he started to speak about Holokinesis. Because in Holokinesis, there is a movement from here to here. From here- the implicit order, to here the explicit order of Ruben and here there’s this Holokinesis from here to here; paradox of movement.
The implicit Ruben is “the One” in Ruben.
The explicit Ruben is “the unique” in Ruben.
It is also a paradox of time. Because if we don’t have space from here to there, we cannot make the time.
Meaning: what kind of time there is in the concept of Holokinesis by David Bohm ?.
I told him: “There is no time in holokinesis?”
He goes.. “No. In holokinesis there is a time that is irrelevant.”
“Irrelevant to what?”
“Irrelevant to consciousness.”-Says David Bohm.
The brightness of the fellow! He refused to call it no-time.
He refused to call it “timelessness.”
He called it Irrelevant time; to consciousness, not relevant to consciousness. So meaning, in Holokinesis, the movement between here and here, paradox of movement, implies a paradox of time, which makes time irrelevant - and irrelevant to what? To consciousness.
It complements the understanding of time. Absolute by Newton, and Relative by Einstein; that is grossly manifested in the 3:58 a.m. of Mexico City, the 1:58 a.m. of my watch with the Mexicali time, and 11:58 noontime of Dublin. But then we have three elements of time that complement each other. According to the science of Newton, a genius, and the science of Einstein and the science of Bohm.
“And so do we have three times?”
“No” Bohm said “One time complemented by three concepts: Absolute time, Relative time and Irrelevant time.”
And I say… “So what you’re saying is that time can become irrelevant?” and he says, “No. Time IS irrelevant in Unitary Perception”, because Unitary Perception is the contact with Holokinesis.
And it’s true. It’s like the good moment time, good moment time. It passes like a breeze and let’s say you’re having a good time, you’re watching a great movie, and you say, “What? This movie lasted for two hours? I cannot believe it!”
Because you went into Irrelevant time.
It is not “unconscious” time. It is time not being relevant to consciousness.
This occurs in the beauty of being absent as ego and just being what you observe, the observer is the observed, and then time is irrelevant. Time becomes irrelevant… and… you say, “What, two hours, where did they go?” – Irrelevant time. – and that’s the time of happiness; the time of Unitary Perception.
And I say that’s the time that that lady who was afraid in the plane was missing, she was in Absolute time, you know, She was in the suffering of- one hour, I don’t know how long it takes from Paris to Dublin, something like one hour, right? - in the plane… suffering, suffering !
I took her away from the suffering, time becomes irrelevant. She starts to laugh. That’s what I mean. We’re missing the happiness, the peace, the complete peace, the energy, the freedom, THE LOVE of Unitary Perception, WHICH IS IRRELEVANT TIME.
So we have the three times, and a revolution without precedent that is based on the Irrelevant Time of Bohm. Two movements, the movements from here to there and the movement from here to here, which is the one Bohm brings, for the first time in history and the fact that in the Universe we have matter and energy but also mind, and of course a new definition of the mind. This brings us to a necessary new definition of the mind.
Because of all this, we have to redefine the mind. So the mind is not only the product of the interaction of the organism with the environment, from the uterus to death, which is C, which is thought and memory.
But also, the mind is Unitary Perception, which is the conscious connection with Holokinesis. And that is not in prior definitions of the mind, you know. That is in the new definition of the mind, which fits the contribution of Bohm.
So, the mind is two things, not only one. We used to think that the mind was only the product of the interaction of the organism with the environment between the uterus and death. No, it’s much more than that.
It’s not just thought, memory and imagination. The mind is much more than that. The mind is also B.
B is the connection between consciousness and Holokinesis. That’s the mind too. That’s the mind too.
B is Unitary Perception.
And you see now why we talk about “Holokinetic Psychology” while David Bohm was talking about “Holokinesis.”
And then some people say, “Ah, you’re talking about living the present completely.” And I go, “Well wait a minute, if we polish the language, that is not true, because what I’m saying is that we can live in the present in three different ways, A, B and C, see?
So, we have to be aware that when Krishnamurti speaks about the mind, he may speak about the mind, A, B and C and you can discriminate by the context but… but be careful because I’m not talking about living in the present. I’m saying the present can be lived in three different ways, A, B and C. And mankind lives the present only in C, in the known, not in B.
There is a moment in sleep, so called S4 non-REM, non-rapid-eye-movement. There’s a moment, so called S4 or one of the four moments of non-REM, non-rapid-eye-movement, in the beginning of sleep, in which there is no thought. And… so called S4, the S4 stage of non-REM sleep in the beginning of sleep, during the first 90 minutes, S4, no thought, no memory.
You will catch somebody in S4, as I did in San Diego with Laverne Johnson, who is doing research during sleep , to wake up the person in S4 and there’s a moment of, “being lost”… The subject (patient) is completely attached to all kinds of registers, you know, heart register, muscular register, eye movement register; he wakes up, he doesn’t know where he’s at, and then ah! And then, “What’s your name?” “Mark”,. And it takes a time, after S4 and there’s no thought, no memory there. Now what happens in S4? Growth – demonstrated by Takahashi in Japan. Growth hormone is secreted during S4.
What else happens in S4?
A complete freeing of energy by the brain to the point that you can register electric storms in the skin. “Electrodermic storms” they’re called. The brain is freeing energy during S4 because there’s no thought, no memory, which is the… summit of energy-let me say-
And what else happens in S4… there is growth, there is the freeing of electromagnetic energy in the skin and if you give the person valium or diazepam or alcohol the night before – no S4!
No S4. Meaning, no growth, no freeing of energy by the brain. Why? Benzodiazepines, like diazepam, or valium, or Ativan, or Alprazolam, stop S4, which is the most regenerating, and restoring element of sleep. It’s a beauty to understand this..
If you sleep with benzodiazepines, you will have a not very restoring kind of sleep (without S-4 stage).
At the University of Michigan they did an experiment. They had two groups, you probably know, 50 students who would not run in the morning, 50 who would. These latter ones had an S4 of 15 to 20 minutes duration. The other group (the non-runners) either no S4 or 5 minutes of S4.
Meaning the duration of restoring, energetic, sleep was better in those who run, who exercised. Some of them wouldn’t run but they would go to the gym. But those who didn’t exercise – had either very little or no S4, which is the restoring, energising moment of sleep. Now, is that the Unitary Perception of sleep? No thinking, no C , great liberation of energy by the brain, which is exactly what you feel immediately (during wakefulness) when you’re in Unitary Perception, this energy.
Is S4 the Unitary Perception of sleep? Good question?
It’s a good question. And we grow during S4. Meaning there is growth hormone increasing the caliber of the cartilage at the joints. It happens up to age 21. And what happens to the growth hormone after age 21? It makes you more sociable. It doesn’t make you grow, but it makes you more sociable. So they are giving growth hormone to children with autism and they improve socialisation.
So, look at all this. How all these things connect in such a fascinating way.
Unitary Perception is to be aware of the activity of at least two senses (I‑e: hearing and proprioception or hearing, sight and touch) at the same time, without words nor concepts, constantly (even when not permanently) without effort and not as a technique of one hour per day, but as a way of life.
Unitary Perception is the contingency of Universal Consciousness, which itself encompasses personal and collective consciousness.
Experiencing Unitary Perception in facts (factually) is not to think about Unitary Perception norimagine that one lives in Unitary Perception.
Time, language, sequences, search, methods, comparisons and paradox cease in Unitary Perception.
The observer ceases psychologically and consciously becomes part of space in energetic silence. This silence is orderly and very deep.  This is not the silence between two thoughts or two words.
This is cosmic silence, which can only be perceived in Unitary Perception.
Universal consciousness (“That”) is the contact between the mind and the implicit order of cosmos, the deeper consciousness of space and silence.
Unitary Perception is direct contact with what is without the interference (nor the distortion) of whatwas.  What was is partly encoded in language.
Personal consciousness moves between the dualities of winning and losing (love is won or lost, work is won or lost, money is won or lost, life itself is won or lost in personal consciousness and its limited and fragmented perception).
Collective consciousness moves between the dualities of dependence and independence (love, work and money may make me dependent or independent). This can be perceived as a paradox.
But there is a Unitary Perception of life in society which allows for the understanding of interdependence between all human beings and all forms of life on planet earth.  This is ecologic understanding.
Universal Consciousness is non‑verbal (which doesn't mean pre‑verbal).
Unitary Perception may give place to “That.”  We may live all our life in Unitary Perception.  Universal consciousness encompasses personal, collective and ecologic consciousness.
 In my books I call universal consciousness  “Nucleus of Unitary Perception” or “That” or “Zoé.”
We have said that Unitary Perception occurs  in space right now and that fragmentary perception occurs in time, sequentially in the I‑self, (in us)
Unitary Perception doesn't occur gradually or with effort.  It may occur now, without effort.
I said in my book “Unitary Perception:” 
“In the same way as wakefulness solves a nightmare, Unitary Perception solves conflict, which emerges from fragmentary perception”
The essence of fragmentary perception is Horizontal conflict which was defined as “the separation that the observer makes between self and everything he (she) observes.”  For example: The observer separates himself from thought without  acknowledging  he himself  is thought (a product of thought).
Unitary Perception doesn't allow for a new form of relationship, but it is the only possible relationship.
Unitary Perception is not sensory, extrasensory or extraordinary perception. It is the most complete and natural perception, not interfered by language.
To think  about Unitary Perception is not Unitary Perception.
Unitary Perception is perception without the interference of memory.  The great confusion in which we live is the product of innumerable distortions of thought which have accumulated, in the last five or ten thousand years.
Those distortions result from our past seeing and listening mediated by language. Since there is no language in Unitary Perception, the observer can't become something or somebody. In Unitary Perception the observer doesn’t interpret or distort reality, the observer is present only to operate and predict.

In Unitary Perception, the brain responds to an autonomous order within the Universal flux, in a way undefinable by language or symbols or any knowable structure or form.


The above is a collection of writings of Ruben Feldman Gonzalez.

— Unitary Perception is the most important fact of human mind and the least known. It is not a theory. It is peace, communion and regeneration.

It is the end of conflict. Unitary Perception is the full awakening from the nightmare we have made of every day living.

It is not enough to define Unitary Perception, it is necessary to study the written work in order to incorporate it to one's own life constantly without distortion.

Unitary Perception is the form of real life that human kind needs right now. —
Ruben Feldman Gonzalez
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